Tuesday, December 4, 2012

mr. i'm not tired

"no ma, i don't wanna take a nap! i'm not tired!"

fast-forward 30 seconds...

yep, ma does know best ;)

people alway say "oh, i love it when kids do that", or "i love how kids can just fall asleep anywhere!". well...that just doesn't happen in our house but maybe once a year. i can count on one hand the number of times grady has fallen asleep anywhere other than his bed (besides the car). that's just not him. too busy. always. 
this should have been my first indicator he wasn't feeling good. the next day, the crud hit him, followed by drew, then me {yay}. so, you may see a pic a little later of little brother falling asleep in a similar manner today. also, not common. but oh-so sweet when it happens. <3

1 comment:

  1. I totally get you on the kids falling asleep anywhere thing. My kids were/are not much for that either, however, it's nice when it happen. It's just too bad that it has to be because they are sick. I hope you all start feeling better soon!
