Saturday, June 2, 2012


took some pictures of the boys yesterday. fun to see them starting to play together more now. grady has become very good at sharing his toys and looking out for drew (most of the time). sometimes I will find drew on the floor, surrounded by toys that grady has brought to him. this all happens behind the scenes though, of course...if he doesn't think I'm watching. however, the minute I say "good job, grady. way to share with your brother".. or  something of that sort, he immediately starts acting like a little monster and stealing things from drew - just to get him to scream. I guess it's his way of getting our attention (not that he's lacking any). I guess sometimes, I just have to let them be. boys will be boys. and drew isn't the helpless baby anymore. he's learned how to fight back ;-)

favorite place to drive cars

peek-a-boo gee!
grady likes to jump up and down and play peek-a-boo with
 drew in his crib. and he has recently nicknamed drew "Gee"
...we are thinking short for drew-ski?

they also spend a lot of time at the train table. we rotate between 
cars geo-track and thomas the train wooden train track.

love the chubbiness

not great quality pic here, but I love his expression...and his little wisps of hair

love that grady loves books so much. hope drew will someday too.

bedtime story time. guess they don't need me :-)
grady reading drew "pig book"
you see why this is the best book ever now!?

my favorite. 
years from now when they are fighting like cats and dogs, I will pull out this picture as proof/reminder that they really do love each other :-) hope they will always have a special brotherly bond.
makes a mother's heart melt

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