Sunday, December 30, 2012

iPhone/Instagram dump {Nov-Dec}

 happy boy!

 oh, just playin the kindle.

jon and i went to a vikings/seahawks game - AWESOME seats! 
(about 13 rows up from the goal line)
they didn't win, but it was still so much fun!

ever wonder what drew does while grady is in gymnastics class?

and watches for a little while... however, lately it's been screaming 
and pounding on the window because he can't go in :(

hey ma!

 my buddy grocery shopping with me while brother is at school

friends and I at Sara's 30th b-day party

 grady's friend devon & his sis sammie came over to play. 
cool winter bike ride. devon has a strider, too!

little D was not feeling good at all... two months of non-stop 
illness from one thing or another :(

 the morning we hung christmas tree ornaments

 went shoppin at u-village in seattle - this was G's prize truck

being goofy

 the first lighting of the play-doh advent wreath :)

our buddy, green. just hanging out on the tree.

 this boy has NEVER fallen asleep in his highchair.
can you tell he's still not feeling up to par?

 graders gingerbread house. green really liked it, too.

 my new PHONE, phone attachment. yeah, i may be a nerd.

 dinner at our good friends, the fritts'. the kids frosted sugar cookies for desert.
grady left the decorating & artistry to hanna. he was more just into eating them :)

 what boy (or girl) doesn't like trains? seriously.

 met another friend, jami, and her little boy at the children's museum.
like normal, grady had a reeeeally hard time leaving the train section.

 cool new room at the museum. grady was sharing with drew - so cute!

this was grady's favorite place he found green ;)
he was very concerned he was "stuck" in the roll and wanted to save him! heheh.

o christmas tree, o christmas tree!

somebody figured out train videos look WAY cooler on a bigger screen.
that was a mistake on my part. eek.

and yes, i do dress my kids. why am i starting to feel like 
most of my pics are of them in p.j.'s though!

drew and i shopping & grabbing target lunch while grady was at a day camp

sleepy boy

need i say more?

got to sleep in mom and dad's room. it doesn't happen often at all. 
so when it does, it's a special treat.

makes my heart melt a little.

trying to be festive at work christmas eve.
candy-cane socks and jingle bell earrings :)

the boys watching their new mickey mouse (interactive) show on the new iPad!

cuddling with dad - watching a movie before bed

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