Saturday, December 15, 2012

grady's christmas program

grady had his first christmas program at preschool last week. two classes of 3 & 4-year-olds standing in the sanctuary, singing their little hearts out. SO adorable! i didn't really know what to expect of children this age, but i have to admit - they did pretty darn good! 
it was about 20 minutes of short little christmas songs. now i know why grady had been singing "happy birthday to jesus" over the last couple weeks, haha :) 
some children stood there and just kind of looked around - not singing, not moving. others were VERY animated. grady took one song to warm up, and then after spotting his family & everyone clapping at the end of that first song, he started to get really into it. we weren't allowed to use flash, and i was trying not to stand in the way, so i didn't get much for pictures. but, jon got it all on video, which we've already watched a couple times! 

oh, and apparently i don't know how to dress my child for a christmas program. he was about the only one not wearing something christmas colored. whoops!

getting ready for the concert :)

such cute boys

kristin trying to keep drew calm, waiting

busy boy

the class clapped for themselves with everyone else - so cute!

grady spotted me, pointed, and yelled "mommy!" mid-song

concerned he couldn't see me anymore. i moved to take pictures.

singing & clapping

where's mom?

still looking for mom

graders class (right side) & the other morning 2-day preschool class (left)

can we go home now?

best attempt at a pic of the two of them together

mmm... cookie! his favorite part of the whole night :)

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