Saturday, September 29, 2012

the sun and the moon

i couldn't resist stopping to capture the last few minutes of the gorgeous sunset on my way home form work last night. THIS is something i always look forward to on my nightly drive home. unfortunately, it will be one of the last i will see for the year - soon it will be completely dark when i leave work. :(

well, last night was the most beautiful shade of neon pink, ever! and the light/color reflecting off the water was gorgeous. these are iphone pics, so not great (showing up more orangish than pink), but good enough :)

it was getting brighter and brighter as i stood there. 

by the time i got home, the sun had set & the moon was out. it looked amazing behind the clouds! so i grabbed grady in his pj's and walked down the street a couple blocks to get a better view. grady kept saying "mommy, we go see the moon! let's go! hurry! we catch it!" he was pretty excited. we just sat out there, on the sidewalk, watching the clouds fly by. 
it's the little things... 

again, iPhone pics, so not nearly what it really looked like, but i tried :) 

on our walk back home, there were three kids sitting on the curb across the street, and grady (still so excited), yells "hey kids! i go to the MOON!" heheh. i love him.

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