Sunday, September 2, 2012

my mom

wow. i have really been slacking on the blogging this summer. just busy. but that's how summer is suppose to be, right? but, i didn't want to miss posting all these pics :)
my mama came to visit this last week - and oh how i've missed her! sure, we talk on the phone just about every day, and have skype dates occasionally with the boys (yes, she is becoming technology savvy ;) hehe), but it's just not the i really looked forward to this visit!

picking grandma up at the airport..we had a fun time in the cell phone parking lot, watching airplanes. we probably saw about 20 of them take off, and even saw grandma dawn's plane land!

grady was so super excited to have someone new at our house. he immediately had to show grandma his ginormous car collection, say "gamma, look at DIS one!".

i don't think i've heard the word 'gramma' so many times in just a few days. he'd go to bed saying 'nigh-night gamma, love you, muah'! and wake up saying 'where's gamma? gamma downstairs? go wake up gamma!' 'gamma look at this one!' 'oh no, gamma come bye-bye too, don't leave gamma!' 'oh wow gamma, look at all the toys'" ok... i think you get it ;)

went to a couple parks throughout the week. again, drew loving the swing.

mr. cuddle bug <3

my mom and grady wanted to pick blueberries, so we went up to bryant blueberry farm in arlington. it was a fun, relaxing time. and we all picked (or if your grady, mostly ate) away.
iphone pics

 drew also did not contribute much - straight to the mouth. we probably owed this place quite a bit more money than we paid for the blueberries. they should have weighed our children before and after, come on!

boys got bored quickly (short attention span). so we walked around and checked out the goats and little playground as well.

they also had guinea pigs there, which grady called cats - close ;)

 we visited the woodland park zoo one day. each time we go it is more fun. somehow we managed to spend 3 hrs there and still didn't see everything! more iphone pics...

my mom wanted to get a wagon in case grady got tired, i giggled at that. this boy does not get tired. but he did have fun pulling it the entire time. and it was a nice tote for our purses and diaper bag.

 someone else decided to take a ride at the end though ;)

penguins is one of our favorites

sun was a lil too bright, but this elk had ginormous antlers!

 we tried to get in a few pics with the boys before she left. 
with a lot of m&m's and a lot of pictures, we got a few keepers :)

i was sad to see my mom go :(  at 27 years old, i still get homesick for my mom. never seems like long enough... 
however, i'm sure she was nice and wore out and ready to get back home and get some sleep :) boys just don't sleep. 
anyway, i can't tell you how much fun it was...just hanging out with my best friend. i miss that. and to see the smiles, joy and love in my boys eyes & see just how much fun they have with their grandma too... that is so special. i'm looking forward to being back close to home...hopefully soon. so we can have many more days like that. <3

...back to skype.

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