Wednesday, September 19, 2012


we went to the park the other evening. i had wanted to take some pics of the boys by this big red barn there, which i have been eyeing for a photo op since the first time we went there. anyway, i decided to finally go out and do it...found the perfect time...and bam, got there only to find a photographer shooting a family session there :( ugh. guess that means i picked a good location though, haha. maybe another time. so, instead we went back up to the park to play :) and i got a few pics anyway.

and as you can tell...nearly zero cooperation anyway ;)

lets go play!!!

digging in the sand

this little boy looks up to his brother SO much <3

always headed to the swings

such a cool train!

 grady thought he was pretty cool to climb it this train. the other kids decided to follow along with him too, lol. made me a little nervous, but he was pretty proud when he made it up there!

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