Friday, September 14, 2012

first day of (pre)SCHOOL

my big boy's first day of preschool!!! 9/13/12
i still can not believe it! okay, yeah yeah yeah... i know it's JUST preschool. but it's school. and it's different. he's never done the daycare thing, so he really hasn't done anything for any amount of time without his parents or relatives. and i guess just the fact that i know he's now old enough to be going to school, means he's growing up on me. much. to. fast.  :'(  tear.
(okay, so no actual tears shed). 
it's just as exciting as it is sad. and that's exactly what grady was - SO EXCITED! he had that smile on his face the whole day (we worked it up ;) he got only a slightly nervous look on his face when he walked into the classroom and the teacher gave him a hug, but he never looked back!

love. that. smile...
he looked up for just a second. it kills me it's so out of focus :( but I still love it!

waiting to go in his classroom. he has a hook to hang his coat and backpack on, 
and his own cubby with his name on it. exciting stuff :)

right before i left. slightly nervous. but no tears!

 drew was ready to get the heck out of there and go play! i see more one-on-one mommy and drew time in the future. and maybe a lot of errand running to take up those 2.5 hrs each day.

grady's teacher said he had a wonderful first day :) they played cars together on the floor, read books, had snack time, made froot-loop necklaces (which grady decided to eat on the way home - sorry you didn't get to see jon), and played outside on the playground. he was not excited to go home, and didn't want to get out of the car when we got there. he said "no, i don't want to go inside! i want to go back and play at school"!  i hope he carries that enthusiasm for school for years to come :)

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