Thursday, January 2, 2014

new years resolution

BLOG more.
PRINT more.
...keep up on blogging, editing AND printing :) Seriously least printing. I am notorious for taking a million pictures and printing little to none of them :( But, It's January 2014 and I am ALMSOT caught up with 2012 prints. Now time finish 2012, 2013, and get them in albums and on the wall.
A friend encouraged me to start up my blog again... wink wink, Alicia ;) I really love the everyday moments and memories I don't post on my more business-related blog though. So........ I am going to do my very best to keep up with this as well :)

I think I could write a novel on what I've missed on here since my last post in March 2013, but I won't (or maybe I'll at least save it for this weekend).

Anyway, this is all I have for now... 
This is the photo I meant to take of the three boys on Christmas, but two of the 3 peed through their jammies by morning, haha, so it didn't quite work out. So, I tried to re-enact a photo on New Years day instead. NOW the tree can finally come down :)

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