Friday, January 17, 2014

grandma and her little loves

My mom came to visit this last week. It's funny how we live so much closer to her now, but now she's in AZ for the winter, so I still don't see her all that often. This is the first time she's been to visit since Gannon has been born, so she got to meet her newest grand-baby.
We all loved having her - especially Grady, who loves the non-stop attention :)  They painted, built planes and trains, made cake pops and other treats, baked and cooked. Grady of course tried many things he never would with me (why is it that kids always eat so much better for other people!?). He was also super excited to show her around his preschool classroom!
We are trying to talk her and my step-dad into buying a place in/near Watertown, too...if they ever get tired of Spearfish anyway ;)
Anyway, I hardly had my camera out all week unfortunately, but these are a few favorites that I did take.

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