Wednesday, January 15, 2014

back yard sledding adventure

Confession: the kids have never been sledding (ahh!)...until today!
We've been wanting to take them out all year, but it's been SOOOOO cold! I know it's like nothing for some of you mid-westers to go out in sub-zero temps and be adventurous - but that's just not me. I've only been back in SD less than a year...gotta break me in easy to this crazy weather ;)
We actually haven't even got a lot of snow this year, but what we have got has stuck around for good.  And then, we finally got a decent day. It was about 30 degrees (but still windy as hell - my face was stinging cold. however, the boys didn't seem to mind one bit). What is it about kids? They don't care how cold it is - they just don't care...I went to pick Grady up from preschool last week & asked before I left if they'd be going outside so I could leave his boots and snow pants if needed - they said no. So, I come to pick him up and he's sliding down an ice hill in ZERO degree weather. 0. Aghhh.
Anyway. So we went sledding. Finally. In our backyard (which is awesome sledding for the kids - we use the empty neighbors lot as well which is a bit more steep). They had a blast! Grady wanted to go over and over. Drew went a couple times but decided to call it quits when he wiped out...haven't figured out how to teach him to hold on yet :( But he had just as much fun watching Grady slide down again and again. It made me smile just to watch them smile and giggle :)
And Grady and Jon built "Frosty" the snowman - which Grady keeps asking when he will melt. I informed him he'd probably stick around all winter ;) Or at least until March.. 
Now, we wait for another "decent" day to hit the hills again :)

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