Friday, January 17, 2014

Gannon, 1 month

Okay kid, you are growing up WAY too fast on me.
ONE MONTH! 1/12/13
I feel like just yesterday you were born, and here we are now - over a month, a couple inches, and 2 1/2 pounds later...
I am trying to savor every moment of your newness before it's gone. We tend to look back and miss those things... the tiny baby, the cuddling, the sleepiness, the innocent preciousness (is that a word?) of a I do, too, already. But truth-be-told...there is something to "miss" and long for in each stage of growing up. But for each thing I love about you now, I look forward to another new thing about you growing up. I hope I'm making sense... I loved you as a newborn, I love you even more at one month, and look forward to getting to know even more of your personality with each day that passes <3

So, "little" G...

1 month:

*you nurse every 30 minutes to 3 hours...hence the 9.6 pounds :)
*you SMILED your first real smile at exactly one month
*you are still a super snuggler - would love to be held if possible
*if you are awake, you want to nurse. and nothing more...
*you fuss 99% of the time you are awake if not nursing. true story.
*the eat. sleep. poop. thing still holds true for you right now.
*you love your mama the most. you are okay with others as long as mom isn't around ;)
*you love pat-a-cake (that's what makes you smile)
*you have the most amazing dimple in your right cheek when you smile. i can't wait to see more of it.
*you tolerate all your big brother grady's sloppy kisses. and the way he talks baby talk to you, hehe.
*you HATE sleeping in your bassinet. you'd much prefer sleeping snuggled with mom all day and night, but that's not safe, so I get up and down with you 100 times a night trying to get you to sleep on your back in your bassinet...sometimes we have to settle for the bouncer chair. although, you are learning and adjusting-thank you :)
*you've gone from sleeping in 2 hours stretches at night to 3-5 hour stretches
*you are SO sweet & SO loved! <3

xoxo, Mom

5 weeks

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