Saturday, June 30, 2012


this is how our day went today....

grady spent a good majority of the time in this corner. like this.

 and like this.

generally I don't let him have ANY toys near his "time-out" area. 
but today, I was having a hard time containing him. so I gave in to the few blocks near him.

however, grady looks on the brighter side of everything.
how does this kid make even time-out fun?

well, grady spent a lot of time in the time-out corner. drew spent a lot of time crying. mommy spent a lot of time taking deep breaths. jon spent a lot of time....oh, golfing! :)

not every day is going to be easy...I have to remember that. today was not a good day, for grady or drew. grady spent the day testing the limits... throwing toys, dumping out water dishes, blowing and spilling bubbles all over the floor, stealing toys & pushing his brother down just to hear him squeal, refusing to take a nap (by screaming hysterically) during three different attempts. drew cried about everything and wouldn't nap either. drew cried, grady cried louder. grady cried, drew cried harder... and so it continued, until I was about in tears. aghhhh..... deeeeeeeep breath. sigh. I do love them-very much. sometimes I question my mothering skills though.
Jon went golfing today with a buddy of his at a pretty sweet golf course. he was really looking forward to it. I'm glad he got away for awhile. we all need that sometimes. it's days like today that make me really thankful I am not in this alone. i am so thankful for my wonderful husband and two (usually) sweet boys.

various pics over the last week

here are some random pictures from a couple days throughout the week....

we played at the basketball court for awhile during an evening walk
drew is grady & jon's #1 fan :-) 
my little spectator


 okay, mom...  really!?

mr. i have perfect form :) heheh!

I actually just thought the sky looked cool in the background when I was taking these :)
so that's when I wanted to try this.

he's a little pooped out by this point.
and yes, he played the entire time with one shoe on/one shoe off.

trying to walk in the grass...and shoes! but didn't get too far.

drewski wheelin' in his bumble bee car

we went to 'color me mine' at the mill creek town center. 
grady picked out mickey mouse to paint - can't wait to see the finished project.

he painted the ears and the mouth all by himself. then it was just a random mushing of colors all over.
(the other kids in there i think were upset with this). to me, it's beautiful :)

getting in my daily cuddle/cartoon time with drew

baby bath time

 i just love this series of pictures of Jon reading "pie-er book" to grady (spider book).
so much love and happiness in that little boys face.

i tried to take a quick picture of grady because I loved the light on his face, but he wouldn't hold still. at all. so, it's cropped horribly, but I still love his eyes - they are finally finding a color (it's been hard to tell over the last 3 yrs what color they'll be) & I love it.
and yes, his bangs are very crooked! eek.

 mac 'n cheese monster. i think jon took this sometime.

hanging out outside while jon washed the vehicles and drew napped.

bubble time

the "i'm gonna pop the bubbles with my nose" face :-)

watching dad mow the lawn. a favorite in this house.
grady can't wait until he's old enough to mow. it drives him nuts he has to sit inside, but I don't quite trust him enough yet not to run out in the yard. it's about time to pull out the little munchkin-sized mower for him again this year.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

3 posts in one day!

...and this would be #3.

not much to say about this, but it makes me smile.
this was leaving the basketball court the other night.

just love these two <3 THIS MUCH!


the little guy... sound asleep.

so sweet and innocent.
I always see pics of sleeping babies/children and love them... just not sure how to do it myself. well this was my attempt. I guess I will have to find a "how to" tutorial on it :-)

mr sweet cheeks

got the boys in the bath awhile back and couldn't help myself...had to run and grab my camera and get a few shots of this before putting drew in to join his brother.

minus the blurry hand from the low shutter speed...i love this picture of grady
it's just him. grady.

these boys just love their bath time :-)