Monday, April 14, 2014

Gannon, 4 months

Holy moly...4 months... here we are.
You are looking like less of a baby and more like a little man each day. Your smiles and giggles just make my day though. Seriously. That's the best.
You would stare at someone for hours. We talk and you just stare, smile, and coo back. You love the conversations.
Your sleep is still about the same. Occasionally sleeping through the night, but usually getting up around 3:30, then camping in bed with mom until you are up for good at 6:30-7. 
Your naps are getting more regular. Short one in the morning, longer one mid-day, and short one in the evening... to bed for the night around 7:30-9.
We quit the Zantac. You are happy now with or without it, and it's torture for all of us giving it to you twice a day, as it is peppermint flavor and you act like it's the most disgusting thing ever (which I can believe from how it smells)...and more is spit out than actually digested...  I really do think you have reflux, however, I don't think that it bothers you an awful lot. We will see how you do without it for awhile. 
You developed mastitis and got your first trip to the ER! (why are there no urgent care or after-hours walk-in clinics around here!?) The weirdest thing I have seen in a baby, and didn't even think it was possible for a baby (boy) to develop mastitis. I've never even had it. But that's exactly what it was. The Doc we saw had never heard of it either, and had to "google it" (yes, he actually told me that).

You had your 4-month well baby checkup today...
17lbs. 2oz. & 26.5in  
(Grady was 7lb 5oz & 25.5in; Drew was 14lb 8oz & 25.25 in)
The laryngealmalacia has improved significantly! However, you still have a soft murmur. Your pediatrician anticipates it will be resolved by your next checkup at 6 months, but if not we will follow up with a cardiologist to get it checked out.
Otherwise, you are very happy and healthy!!! <3

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