Thursday, March 20, 2014

Gannon, 3 months

writing this, I realize I am way behind in my blogging again, as it's been a whole month since my last update!  ok...goal for this weekend...

So this little Mr. is 3 months already!
Going SO. FAST.

Now, I am writing this a week after your three-month birthday, and already in that short week so much has changed...but I will back-track and save that for next month's update ;)

*You are a whopping 15+pounds ... lots of healthy dimples and rolls  <3
*So many huge open-mouthed, dimple showing, eye-sparkling smiles!
*You have really turned around and become just the most happy baby. Rarely fussy anymore, unless you have a messy diaper.
*Still love to be held, a lot. But you also really enjoy laying on your back on the floor, or on my legs, just looking up and having a conversation with someone... you smile and coo away... you could stare for days... you love the social interaction. You're also starting to follow us around more with your eyes.
*You are starting to really like your floor play gym/mat, and are now batting at toys like crazy. Your feet are also starting to kick around like a wild man.
*You were sleeping through the night for 4-5 days, until our trip to Phoenix. Now you get up usually twice. You must know I love the snuggles...I have a hard time putting you back down.
*You are getting to be a better napper. Up for about an hour at 7, then back to sleep for an hour, then up for another short while before a long morning nap. Your afternoons are still very random however. But generally always ready for bed for the night around 9.
*You still love your showers, and almost doze off every time. I honestly haven't even tried you in the bath again for a long time.
*You started holding your head up while on your tummy - it pretty much happened over night! You went from still completely hating anything to do with tummy time, face planted on the floor - to lifting up your head and looking around! Now tummy time isn't so bad, is it? ;)

I love your oh-so-serious faces you give when I put the camera in front of you.
One of these days you will decide to smile for it :)

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