Saturday, November 10, 2012

how drew spent his 18 month birthday

sad. tired. crabby. painful. not eating. not drinking. 103 temp.
= MISERABLE & no fun for anyone.

oh, and a little (or a lot) of gnomeo & juliet.
he let me put him down for a couple minutes

i took drew to the pediatrician a couple weeks ago because he had a low-grade fever, was tugging at his ears, and was just all around CRABBY and not himself. he's never had an ear infection, and i've been told ear tugging is normal anyway at this age, so i figured it was probably just a cold (everyone else in the house was sick) mixed in with teething (5, yes FIVE, new teeth), but wanted to take him in to make sure. we took him to a doc he hasn't seen before, as she was the only one available that day. she diagnosed him with a cold & made me feel a bit silly for taking him in. i told her i wanted to make sure it wasn't an ear infection. her reply was that - kids who routinely get ear infections are just more prone to them. since he's never had an ear infection at this point in his life, it'd be VERY rare for him to ever get one. hmm... i had no idea! what a dumb nurse i am.
so, when all this came up this week (and NO ear tugging what-so-ever), an ear infection was the last thing i expected. much to my suprise, after waiting out the high fever for 36+ hrs before finally taking the miserable boy in - diagnosis: double ear infection and red/inflamed/sore throat. ugh. what a dumb nurse i am, again.

so, he hasn't had his 18 mo well baby check up yet, but he's 26lbs! (grady was 29lbs).

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