Friday, November 30, 2012

my 'lil cowboy

only missing the cowboy hat!

this was grady's shirt and boots when he was little - so cute. and a family friend of ours bought drew some true wranglers, which he finally fits into :)

Sunday, November 18, 2012

fall family session

thanks again to our photographer, Jocelyn Brown, for capturing our family beautifully! :) 

Saturday, November 10, 2012

how drew spent his 18 month birthday

sad. tired. crabby. painful. not eating. not drinking. 103 temp.
= MISERABLE & no fun for anyone.

oh, and a little (or a lot) of gnomeo & juliet.
he let me put him down for a couple minutes

i took drew to the pediatrician a couple weeks ago because he had a low-grade fever, was tugging at his ears, and was just all around CRABBY and not himself. he's never had an ear infection, and i've been told ear tugging is normal anyway at this age, so i figured it was probably just a cold (everyone else in the house was sick) mixed in with teething (5, yes FIVE, new teeth), but wanted to take him in to make sure. we took him to a doc he hasn't seen before, as she was the only one available that day. she diagnosed him with a cold & made me feel a bit silly for taking him in. i told her i wanted to make sure it wasn't an ear infection. her reply was that - kids who routinely get ear infections are just more prone to them. since he's never had an ear infection at this point in his life, it'd be VERY rare for him to ever get one. hmm... i had no idea! what a dumb nurse i am.
so, when all this came up this week (and NO ear tugging what-so-ever), an ear infection was the last thing i expected. much to my suprise, after waiting out the high fever for 36+ hrs before finally taking the miserable boy in - diagnosis: double ear infection and red/inflamed/sore throat. ugh. what a dumb nurse i am, again.

so, he hasn't had his 18 mo well baby check up yet, but he's 26lbs! (grady was 29lbs).

Thursday, November 8, 2012

for five m&m's

grady stood on a chair on the patio so i could play with lighting, for two whole minutes, on the one day of full sun we've had in a long time. bribery, it's a lovely thing (sometimes).

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

seeing life through drew's eye

drew was starring up at a huge tree full of pretty fall leaves. when i zoomed in and cropped out just his eye, that's exactly what i see.
kinda cool.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

iPhone/Instagram dump {mid Sept-Oct}

i need to get all these pics off my phone! i still have pics on there from 2 years ago, before drew was born! now my iphone memory is full, so i need somewhere to put them. but instead of going back over two whole years...i'll start with just two months. here's october & november. 

(some of these are probably repeats you've already seen or i've already posted - oh well).

such a big boy in his cute little chair!

lovin' on lambie - a daily thing 

cars, cars, & more cars

driving his RC lightning mcqueen car on the patio

 Go Viks!!!

another attempt to capture the wispy curls

night of camping in with mom

first day of preschool - sept 2012

this boy loves juice as much as his mom. and a straw? bonus!

a night out to dinner with good friends, soaking up the gorgeous weather 

Happy 4th Anniversary, Love!

sleepy, sick boy :(

my shopping buddy. at nordy's getting grady new kicks :)

the life...

this is what it looks like when jon gets home from work, lol

getting a hair cut. he does great now! lori is so good to him. 

got this from another photographer's blog and it cracked me up. i love it!

playing at the park

gorgeous sunset on my way home from work

this was just another beautiful night <3

boys and their electronics...

way too into this for being 3... eek.

grady's 1st picture up in the hall at preschool. can't wait to
see a comparison later on this year :)

sleepy boy. he gets tired out bumming around with mom while grady's in school.

drew ran into the corner of our dresser, and this is what happened within 30 seconds :( he was a tough boy though! i was afraid to go anywhere for a few days in fear of being turned in to CPS, but it went down pretty quickly. still a small bump there though, weeks later.

the next day - much better.

Carrie Underwood concert!!! 
Tress & I  - before the concert

Tress, Sara & I at Peso's

dinner & drinks at peso's with the girls

Hunter Hayes opened for Carrie - he was great, too! 

the iPhone shadow is covering my face- looks a little scary.

had so much fun with these girls

my little artist

kindle addict

drew and i at the park after dropping off grady at school.
trying to take advantage of the weather before the rain hits. chilly though.

the wall across from my work. pretty leaves. looks ugly the rest of the year :)

super excited about his halloween costume he just got in the mail.
he wouldn't take it off for just about two days :)

one of my favorite pictures, ever, of the boys together. kristin took this on her phone.
grady looks so sweet, even though he's almost strangling drew. just makes me smile.

boys watching a DVD in bed


made halloween cupcakes with graders - he was so proud!

Happy Halloween!

the tree of berries drew ate last week. only a bite, but i thought
it might have poisoned him! oops.

LOVE the picframe app on my phone. a few from his previous
18 month photo-shoot by mommy

my minute-maid add ;) drew love's his JB's

love this bridge

playing at the little gym, while grady is in gymnastics class 

grady was fighting sleep forever this night...
finally let him crash in our bed

carving pumpkins with dad. grady didn't want to touch the guts inside
this year either,  lol. next year he'll be able to do more i think.

halloween candy necklaces

home made playdough & playdate with buddy devon

another nearby park

~halloween munchkins~