Friday, August 24, 2012

lately... (random pics)

lots of playing outside with the water table and swimming pool... we'll be sad when the rain starts

 berry picking at buddy devon's house

the kirbster. my other baby.

fru hoops!

my little buddy had an EEG due to one little seizure... this was just more of a precautionary thing to make sure we weren't missing other possible seizure activity. everything came back normal.
nothing invasive, thankfully, but he looked so darn cute in his little mummy head wrap. but so sad! :(

more time at the park down the road. grady really does like that darn bike helmet :)

 went to see darius rucker with some friends of ours - beautiful night & so much fun! loved him! we got a mix of country, hooty & some cover songs-all good. it was perfect!

 jon and i actually went back a couple weeks later to see jonny lang & buddy guy at the same venue (tulalip amphitheater) since it was so nice out & the tickets were super cheap ;) kinda last minute & not our favorite choice, but it was fun

a couple from bath time

 golden gardens park

 throwing rocks. what else?

 drewski loves the baby swing

grady just drove his jet down the slide over and over and over... but refused to go down the slide himself. so other little kids continued to bring his jet up the stairs for him. it was pretty comical :)

watching grady be crazy on the slide 

 mr. big brown eyes

i haven't brought my camera around as much as i'd have liked to this summer... but that's okay, more time to enjoy the moments i guess :) and now my camera is getting it will be mostly iPhone for a couple weeks! 
i was sad i missed photographing their first dentist appointment though :(
neither of them were impressed... grady sat in the chair and put the headphones on to watch cars2, but as expected, as soon as the chair laid back he was freaking out (I'm not sure what that boys problem is with laying down in chairs or on exam tables, but he's never been a fan). so, both boys had checkups/cleanings in my lap, but it worked out. i was pretty impressed with the awesome dentist though & glad we found a good place to take them!

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