Friday, August 3, 2012

grady smiles!

so, i have been trying to get grady to smile for the camera for what seems like forever...but whenever i pull out the camera, he either decides to run the other direction, completely ignore me, burry his face, or look the opposite direction. occasionally, i manage to snap one with a smile before he realizes I am taking pictures - but that's pretty rare too.
well, tonight i was playing with the settings on my camera and not really caring what my pictures looked like at that moment, and picked grady for my subject. i point it at him and he says "say cheese"! and gives me the cheesiest smile and closes his eyes. it took both jon and i about ten minutes to teach him to keep his eyes open when he smiles... i was cracking up. 

eventually he figured it out...and i got these sweet, genuine smiles :-)

after a minute or two he was bored, so then i had to bribe him "smile for mommy, then you can take a picture next"...he is also recently obsessed with clicking the shutter of my camera. eek! i'm not thrilled about this.

being goofy after bath time

we'll see how long his love for the camera lasts... 

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