Sunday, March 25, 2012

saturday and silhouettes

I have been waiting for a sunny evening to take some silhouette pictures for awhile now (saw a tutorial online and wanted to try it out). I usually end up working on those really nice days. But, today was my day off, and it was sunny and beautiful.  
The boys and I got some things done around the house during the day, took the red wagon out for a walk and went to the park. After dinner we headed out to the marina in Everett to wait for the sun to go down. I didn't have high expectations since I had never done this before, but was excited to try. Being it was around bedtime for both the boys, Drew fell asleep on the short drive there - thankfully - because it was SO COLD when we got there! I wasn't anticipating the big weather change, but the strong wind coming off the water was chilly. Drew got to sleep in the car. Grady, Jon, and I were in and out to warm up a bit. We didn't quite make it until the sun set completely, but close enough.
It was worth it.

blooming tree in our front yard - got me excited for spring/summer


my little helper. wanted to help mommy set up the tripod. never ended up using it, but grady was entertained for a short while.

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