Thursday, March 29, 2012

lambie love affair

I was going through old pictures today on my iPhone and came across a lot of Drew and Lambie. He's been attached to this little lamb blankie since as long as he could hold on to him. The pictures make me laugh and smile. Over the last 8 months - through drool, milk, vomit, and pee (and many washing machine cycles ;) - they have been best friends. 



Until drew was old enough to start moving around in bed and rolling over, it was part of our nightly routine to go in and pull lambie off his face when we went in to check on him before bed - 99% of the time this is what I would find. 





Sunday, March 25, 2012

saturday and silhouettes

I have been waiting for a sunny evening to take some silhouette pictures for awhile now (saw a tutorial online and wanted to try it out). I usually end up working on those really nice days. But, today was my day off, and it was sunny and beautiful.  
The boys and I got some things done around the house during the day, took the red wagon out for a walk and went to the park. After dinner we headed out to the marina in Everett to wait for the sun to go down. I didn't have high expectations since I had never done this before, but was excited to try. Being it was around bedtime for both the boys, Drew fell asleep on the short drive there - thankfully - because it was SO COLD when we got there! I wasn't anticipating the big weather change, but the strong wind coming off the water was chilly. Drew got to sleep in the car. Grady, Jon, and I were in and out to warm up a bit. We didn't quite make it until the sun set completely, but close enough.
It was worth it.

blooming tree in our front yard - got me excited for spring/summer


my little helper. wanted to help mommy set up the tripod. never ended up using it, but grady was entertained for a short while.

Saturday, March 24, 2012


It's been grey, rainy, and cloudy way too long around here - I had to pull over on my way home from work last night and take a picture of this beautiful sunset.


looking forward to many more of these

(iPhone pic, but not too shabby. sure wish I had my DSLR though)

water drops

I just finished an 8 week photography class, "Introduction to Digital Photography", through Mill Creek Parks and Rec. It was only a one hour class once a week, but I feel like I learned a lot. A friend and I decided to take the class together & it's been a lot of fun learning together - it's nice to have someone else to talk to about photography, because I'm pretty sure Jon is fairly bored with my new passion ;)
Well, on our last day of class our teacher wanted to do something we met at the studio and tried to catch some pictures of water droplets. It was much harder than it sounded, but we got some pretty neat pictures out of it :)

I had a great time in class (and happy hour before class, heheh ;) and a lot of fun practicing different things I had learned with my camera. I look forward to continuing learning and taking pictures. And, hopefully someday learning some editing/photoshop!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

grandma jeanie and aunt karen come to town

Grandma Jeanie and great-aunt Karen came to visit us this week, and boy were the boys excited! We don't have visitors often, so Grady especially always lives up the extra attention. We don't even have to be doing anything special, and he just has a smile from ear-to-ear the entire time.
Grady hadn't seen 'gamma Jee' or Karen since the end of summer, so it was a lot of fun. We spent most of our time visiting, reading books and playing around the house, going out to eat (quiet a few times ;) and shopping. I felt bad - had been sick for the last week and still not feeling great, so wasn't the best host :(...didn't even cook, boo, so we ate out a lot.
I also took Grady to another Friday gymnastics class (rather than our usual Thursday) so they could all see him do one of his favorite activities. He kept looking over at everyone throughout the class to make sure they were watching him :)

gamma jee and drewski watching graders at gymnastics

showing off his moves on the balance beam and air tramp

I accidentally cut off his feet. he was jumping off a 'mountain' (stack of mats)

grady and drew got a lot of new books from grandma, grandpa and karen & grady LOVED them. karen and grandma read to him every day, and grandma read to him each night before bed. by the time they left he knew half the words and you can't skip a page without him noticing.

hugs and kisses

puzzle time

Happy 27th birthday Kristin!
kristin's beautiful cake her coworker made her

kristin opening presents.
grady spent the whole time playing angry birds on aunt karen's kindle fire. I think he thought it was one of the coolest things ever.

so big!

drewski's favorite ball. my sweet baby boy.

Sad to see them go, as usual. I was thankfully blessed with amazing in-laws and we will all miss them. Grady woke up this morning going about his day as usual. I am glad he is not to the age yet where he has a hard time saying good-bye. Makes me sad though watching him run to the stairs and yell down the hall "karrrr, where are you!? gamma jeeeee, where are you!?"
For now, we say, SEE YOU THIS SUMMER! :)