Thursday, February 28, 2013

last day of preschool...

so, i dropped grady off at preschool this morning for his last day, and i was almost in tears walking out... :'(  i know he's only 3 1/2, but i hate having to pull him out early for the move. however, i am thankful that (being 3 1/2), he doesn't quite understand it enough to be sad. for him, it was a happy day, because it was his "special day" in school :-)
his teacher gave him a big hug, and told us how much he'd be missed.
even the teacher of the class across the hall stopped us on our way out, and said she didn't know it was his last day, and was going to miss him a lot. she told us what a special, happy, and genuinely sweet boy he is. as a mother, that just makes my heart happy :-) 
anyway, we got a fun book of his year in review, projects, etc... something that will be fun to look back at in years to come.

i wanted to get a picture of grady on his last day of preschool, in the same place we took his first day of preschool pic. the first is from september 10, 2012. the second is feb 28th, 2013. even though it was only a little over 5 months, he looks so much older to me! our little boy is growin' up! hahah.

grady and his teacher, mrs. hundley
(unfortunately the teacher's assistant, mrs. brunken, was sick and out with the flu).

auntie kristin made grady a "last day of preschool" hotwheels  cake. he was pretty pumped!

we decided not to try to get grady into school in watertown, for just a couple more months. we did get him enrolled for next fall though - he got the last spot!

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