Monday, May 19, 2014

Gannon, 5 months

Ok, I guess I should rename my blog to All About Gannon, or something of the sort, since that's all I can seem to blog about these days. I really want to have the time to keep up on the other activities of our life, but I just haven't. Like Drew's 3rd birthday. Poor Drew. That deserves a blog post too! And Grady, when he rode his bike without training wheels for the first time last month! That deserves a blog post. Ok, must work on those... 
Anyway, babies change sooooo darn much so so quickly. I hate it. I love it but I hate it at the same time.
I see so much personality budding in this boy every day. I can't help but smile any time I look at him. And that's exactly what he does, whenever someone smiles at him. First thing in the morning, he looks up with the. biggest. smile. ever. I love it. And his dimple just melts my heart <3
He found his toes somewhere early in the month or last month. He LOVES his toes - seriously. Obsessed. He loves being on his back the most. Kicking like mad. Or flailing his arms - even if he has nothing to play with. Non-stop-mover.
He's still not super excited about his tummy. Sometimes he'll roll right back over (and that's about the only time he will roll - he really doesn't like his tummy). Although, for being on his tummy hardly ever, he is so super strong. He pushes up high on his arms, looks around. Then he just gets mad and flops around like a fish :)
He sat up, for the first time, unassisted! The day before he turned five months. I think Drew was a little later before he sat, and Grady was a week or two after he turned five months. Gannon must think he has something to prove being the baby ;)
Gannon also had his first bite of solids/rice cereal the day before he turned 5 months as well!
He LOVED it. Also my first child that has loved rice cereal. Drew wouldn't eat it ever (or anything until well after 6-7 months), and Grady completely despised it, so we had to skip to oatmeal with him. But Gannon is a big fan, and did SO well. Now on to the days of messy foods...
Anyway, what else happened this month...
You went backwards with your sleep. You are a HORRIBLE sleeper. Period. Horrible.
You do nap a few times during the day, and usually one of them is 2 hours long, but otherwise, not a good sleeper. Especially at night. You are now waking up about 3 times a night. You're killing me buddy. I think it's probably mostly my fault, as I still have you in your itty bitty bassinet in our room (which you are way too big for). You probably wake yourself up by bumping into the sides of it. But you still don't like laying down on your back after your first wakening to nurse. It's always a struggle. Either you will only sleep in my arms, or the bouncer. I get very little sleep...need to fix this.
It will be my goal, that before your six-month birthday, you will be sleeping in your crib (AND sleeping through the night).  :) 
A girl can dream, right? ;)
Anyway, you bring me so much joy little one. I look forward to what each new day (and month) brings <3