Thursday, March 14, 2013

saying goodbye

it was a bittersweet goodbye leaving washington. so much i'm not sure how to even put into words how i felt. very emotional. 
it felt so good. so good knowing we were going to a great place. a place that's home. home to family & loved ones. a new place to start. a new place to grow. a place for our kids to grow up around those who love them the most - their aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, family. everyone within a short days drive, rather than long expensive flights :)
but it was sad too. sad to leave behind a job i love, knowing i would probably never have anything like it again. sad to leave behind our first home...the house we moved into as just two, the house we started a family in and brought both our babies home to for the first time, the house they took their first steps in, the house we made a home. and also sad to leave behind some really really awesome friends. but for that matter, friends that i love so much i will definitely be back to visit - and for that i'm excited!
but, i know we are doing the right thing. we moved to washington almost six years ago - planning on staying a year or two. two years later we wanted to move back, but it just wasn't the right time economically. and now, here we are. goodbye washington... hello south dakota!

so, here are some pictures from the last week or so in washington. we had a lot of play dates and time with friends. i wish i would have taken more pictures, and there are a lot i still need to upload, but this is what i have for now. all but two are iPhone pics ;)

last day at The Little Gym

air track! one of grady's favorites.

last day of PREschool! grades and mrs. hundley

first and last day of preschool

my friend jami and i

view out the window from work <3

night out with some great friends/coworkers at AZUL in mill creek...

our friends alicia and jeremy came over with their two kiddos - jacob and hanna
i'll sure miss our happy hour and dinner dates...

blurry but cute :-) 
the dad's had a playdate with the kids while alicia and i were at work 

my friend anitra and i

and grady with two (of her four) kiddos - tabitha & iris
(drewski was napping)

grady and buddy devon... he will miss him the most i think 
(as much as a 3.5 yr old can miss someone)

drew, sameira, devon & grady

another dinner with some awesome coworkers after my last day at work!
they had a potluck for me at work as well, but it just so happened to be one of the busiest days in a long time (which usually always happens when we have a potluck). so, it was nice to go out after and be able to visit with these girls some more :)

 and the packing begins...
i really wish i had had time to take pictures of the whole packing process, movers, truck, etc...
but, i was home by myself with both kids who were completely OUT OF CONTROL. soooo... it didn't quite work out :'(

grady playing cars on the boxes

 ...and on the mats the men laid out to carry out boxes

last breakfast in our house. delicious muffins from 7-11 (even the last of our food was packed)!
they took the glass off our table, so grady was very very confused why he couldn't eat there anymore.

had to take the kids out of the moving chaos and freezing home with no food. we hit up the every so amazing everett mall (if you've ever been there you are laughing right now). anyway, not how i imagined my last day in washington, but we made it work ;-) grady was pretty excited he got to drive around one of the car carts for the first time!
toy store.

we stopped at the house in the morning to say goodbye...

 last family picture by the blue door <3

 goodbye home!!!

just some random favorites traveling back to SD...

hello curls!

i forgot about lambie and he got packed by the movers :'( 
worst feeling ever! tried to replace him with this blanket... unsuccessful

 pool time. nice way to break up the long drive.

 Taco John's - our favorite! yummmmm...

 and the LoNg dRiVe...
from blue skies

 to snow

 to trechorous snow and ice! eek.